Model 36 Touring                    Period Images    Home
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The 1907 Glidden Tour

The Buffalo Automobile Club entered four 60hp Thomases on this tour which ran in July.

Horseless Carriage Gazette, 1960, Vol 22 #6

#9 was George Salzman in the non-stop record car.

Detroit Public Library

#11 was Montgomery Hallowell.

Detroit Public Library
                                                  in Dayton, OH

Detroit Public Library
                                                  in Chicago

AACA Library
                                                  in Chicago

Detroit Public Library

Detroit Public Library

AACA Library

#13 was George M. Davis, not in competition for the prize.

AACA Library

#60 was William Turner.

Detroit Public Library
                              Canton, OH, either #11 or #60

Detroit Public Library
                              either #11 or #60

Detroit Public Library
                              either #11 or #60